Andrian Fadeyev

Artistic Director of the Mariinsky Ballet

• Honoured Artist of Russia (2008)
• Laureate of the Vaganova-Prix International Ballet Competition (St Petersburg, 1995)
• Winner of the Baltika Prize (1998)
• Winner of the Golden Sofit, St Petersburg’s most prestigious theatre prize, in the categories “Best role in a ballet performance” (for his portrayal of Petrouchka in the eponymous ballet and for his solo in Jewels (2000)) and “Best ensemble in a ballet performance” (for Christopher Wheeldon’s For Four (2008))
• Recipient of the Ballet magazine’s Soul of Dance Award in the category “Rising star” (2000)
• Laureate of the Leonid Massine International Prize for the Art of Dance (Positano, Italy, 2006)

Andrian Fadeev was born in Leningrad. Graduated from the Vaganova Ballet Academy (class of Vilen Semyonov) in 1995.

Member of the Mariinsky Ballet Company from 1995 to 2011. Performed leading roles in La Sylphide (James), Giselle (Albrecht, Classical Duet), Swan Lake (Siegfried), La Bayadère (Solor), The   Beauty (Désiré, Bluebird), Le Corsaire (Ali, Lankedem), The Awakening of Flora (Zephyr), Don Quixote (Basilio), The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (Vatslav), Romeo and Juliet (Romeo), Michel Fokine’s Les Sylphides, Le Spectre de la rose, Petrouchka (title role), George Balanchine’s Apollo, Symphony in C (1st movement), Pas de Deux to music by Tchaikovsky, Jewels (“Emeralds”, “Rubies”, “Diamonds”), Piano Concerto No. 2 (Ballet Imperial), Scotch Symphony, Roland Petit’s Le Jeune Homme et la Mort and Harald Lander’s Études.

Originated the leading role in John Neumeier’s Sounds of Empty Pages. As a guest soloist he performed with the Rome Opera Ballet, the Bavarian State Ballet, the Berlin State Ballet and the National Ballet of Japan. Since 2011 Andrian Fadeev has been Artistic Director of the Leonid Yacobson Ballet Theatre in St Petersburg.

Since 2024 he has also been Artistic Director of the Mariinsky Ballet.

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