
Mariinsky Theatre Soloist Camilla Mazzi Awarded the Sfera d’oro per la danza Prize

Mariinsky Theatre's soloist, Camilla Mazzi, has been honored with the prestigious Sfera d’oro per la danza award, presented at the International Festival in Padua, Italy, this past September. This year, the accolade celebrates Italians who have brought renown to their country, both on the international stage and through national cultural endeavors.

Born in Turin, Camilla Mazzi began her ballet training in her hometown. In 2017, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography and subsequently received an invitation to join the Mariinsky Theatre. Among her standout solo roles are Princess Aurora and Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty, Maria in The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, Columbine in Le Carnaval, and others.

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